
Скачать презентацию на тему стоунхендж английском. Лыткина Алена Презентация на тему «Стоунхендж». Стоунхендж (англ. Stonehenge, букв. «каменный хендж») мегалитическое сооружение в графстве Уилтшир, Англия, - презентация. Работа может использоваться для п


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Questions about Stonehenge:

  • What is it?
  • Where is Stonehenge located?
  • When was Stonehenge built?
  • Who built Stonehenge?
  • What did Stonehenge consist of?
  • Where did the stones come from?
  • How did ancient people use Stonehenge?

Stonehenge: What is it?

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument . One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is composed of a circular setting of large standing stones set within earthworks . It is at the centre of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds .

Stonehenge: Where is it located?

Stonehenge is located in the English county of Wiltshire , about 2.0 miles (3.2 km) west of Amesbury and 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury

Stonehenge: When was it built?

Archaeologists believe the stone monument was constructed anywhere from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. Radiocarbon dating in 2008 suggested that the first stones were erected in 2400–2200 BC, whilst another theory suggests that bluestones may have been erected at the site as early as 3000 BC. The surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC.

Stonehenge: Who built it?

Most scientists agree on the modern theory that three tribes built Stonehenge at three separate times. In approximately 3000 B.C., it is believe the first people to work on the site were Neolithic agrarians. Archeologists named them the Windmill Hill people after one of their earthworks on Windmill Hill, which is near Stonehenge. The Windmill Hill peoples built large circular furrows, or hill-top enclosures, dug around a mound and had collective burials in large stone-encased tombs. Most of their burial mounds point east-west. These people were one of the first semi-nomadic hunting and gathering groups with an agricultural economy and contained a strong reverence for circles and symmetry.

Stonehenge: Who built it?

The second group – The Beaker people - is thought to have originated in Spain, migrating northwards and colonizing north-west Europe. Their name comes from their ancient traditions in which they would bury beakers, or pottery drinking cups, with their dead. Scientists believe they were sun worshipers who aligned Stonehenge more exactly with certain important sun events, such as mid summer and winter solstices.

Stonehenge: Who built it?

The Wessex People are considered the third and final group to work on the Stonehenge site. They arrived around 1500 B.C. at the height of the Bronze Age. They were among the most advanced cultures outside the Mediterranean during this period. These people are thought to have been responsible for the bronze dagger carving found on one of the large sarsen stones within Stonehenge.

  • A circular earthwork, 300 feet in diameter.
  • An avenue bounded by earthworks approaching it on the north-east
  • One large unworked Sarsen Stone , called the “Hele Stone” or “Friar’s Heel”.
  • A recumbent slab within the earthwork called “Slaughtering Stone ”
  • Two small unhewn Sarsens lying north-west and south-east of the Circle of Stones.
  • A ring of hewn Sarsen stones with “imposts” or lintels mortised to them. The lintels are fitted together with toggle joints. Sixteen out of the original thirty uprights of these “Trilithones” are now standing.

Stonehenge: What did it consist of?

  • The diameter of this circle is about 108 feet, or that of the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.
  • A ring of less perfectly hewn “Foreign Stones” (i.e. stones not to be found in Wiltshire at the present day)
  • These numbered between thirty and forty. Only seven are standing today, nine are overthrown.

Stonehenge: What did it consist of?

  • Five great Trilithons , arranged in a horseshoe, with the opening to the north-east. These Trilithons rise gradually in height towards the south-west. The largest group of stones fell A.D. 1620. Those next to the great Trilithon on the north-west, fell on January 3 rd , 1797.
  • Today only two of the Inner Trilithons are standing. One upright of the great Trilithon (raised and made secure in 1901) is erect.
  • A horseshoe of less perfectly hewn Foreign Stones. Originally there were fifteen or more of these monolits averaging eight feet high.
  • A simple recumbent slab of micaceous sandstone called the “Alter Stone”.

Stonehenge: How did ancient people use it?

It is not definitively known what Stonehenge was used for. Some believe it was used for sacrifices , and others say that it was for non-sacrificial rituals involving star counting and/or the predicting of various astronomical phenomena such as eclipses. More recent ideas are moving away from the idea that Stonehenge had complex “astronomical” functions. However it was certainly set up in respect of the Midwinter Solstice.

Стоунхендж (англ. Stonehenge, букв. «каменный хендж») мегалитическое сооружение в графстве Уилтшир, Англия, представляющее собой комплекс кольцевых и подковообразных земляных и каменных конструкций. Это один из самых знаменитых археологических памятников в мире.

Стоунхенджа был возведен на рубеже каменного и бронзового веков. Причем создание этого удивительного магического места происходило в несколько этап. Первый приходится примерно на 3100 года до нашей эры. Именно тогда были созданы ров и внутренний земляной вал в виде окружности, диаметром 115 м, шириной 2,5 м и высотой 5080 см. Спустя почти тысячу лет началось «строительство» того, что станет главной основой Стоунхенджа. На равнину Солсбери были доставлены 80 больших камней. Их установили внутри рва двумя концентрическими кругами с внешней и внутренней стороны полу эллипса триплетов. Спустя еще несколько столетий было возведено кольцо из тридцати огромных песчаниковых монолитов 31 м в диаметре. Правда, в настоящее время из них осталось стоять только 17. Примерно в 1800 году до нашей эры Стоунхендж вновь был «реконструирован» и уже приобрел привычный нам вид.

На плане выделяются: 1 Алтарный камень, шести тонный монолит зеленого слюдяного песчаника из Уэльса 2-3 Курганы без могил 4 Упавший камень 4,9 метров в длину (Slaughter Stone эшафот) 5 Пяточный камень (Heel Stone) 6 Два из первоначально четырех вертикально стоящих камней 7 Ров (канава) 8 Внутренний вал 9 Внешний вал 10 Авеню, то есть параллельная пара рвов и валов, ведущая за 3 км на реку Эйвон; сейчас эти валы едва различимы 11, 12 Кольца 30 ям 13 Круг 56 ям, известный как лунки Обри (Aubrey holes) 14 Малый южный вход

Сложно установить истинное предназначение Стоунхенджа поскольку на древних камнях нет никаких надписей, пометок, вообще ничего. Одна из самых распространенных научных теорий о предназначении Стоунхенджа говорит о том, что он, скорее всего, был древней астрономической обсерваторией, благодаря которой жрецы могли высчитывать лунные и солнечные дни, отмечать даты проведения важных праздников и так далее.

Профессор Дж. Митчел, проведя компьютерный анализ Стоунхенджа и попытавшись с помощью современных цифровых технологий восстановить первоначальный вид Стоунхенджа, сделал заключение, что он представляет из себя, ни больше ни меньше, точную модель солнечной системы в поперечном разрезе. При этом, древние астрономы исходили из того, что в Солнечной системе не девять, а двенадцати планет, две из которых находятся за орбитой Плутона. А третья планета, еще больше поставила ученого в загадки, ведь она предполагалась между орбитой Марса и Юпитера, а на этом месте как раз находиться пояс астероидов.

Также часто утверждают, что Стоунхендж использовался для захоронений. После проведённых раскопок учёные пришли к выводу, что всего в Стоунхендже было захоронено около 240 человек, которые перед погребением были кремированы. При этом археологи считают, что вероятнее всего здесь хоронили представителей местной элиты или правящей династии.

Английский писатель и историк Том Брукс в результате своих многолетних исследований сделал вывод, что Стоунхендж входил в состав гигантской навигационной системы, состоящей из равнобедренных треугольников, вершина каждого из которых указывала на следующий пункт

Еще в 20-х годах минувшего века известный геолог X. Томас установил. что камни для возведения комплекса доставлялись из каменоломен. которые находились более чем за 300 километров от места строительства! Не нужно говорить, что транспортировка гигантских каменных блоков требовала невероятных усилий.

Благодарю за просмотр. Сайты, послужившие источниками материала для презентации:

Characteristics It is located in
Wiltshire, England.
It is a monument built
in the Neolithic and
Bronze Age.
Stonehenge is a large
circle of
standing stones.

How was it built?


The first Stonehenge was a large
earthwork probably built around 3100 BC.
They formed a circle. Archaeologists found
cremated human bones, but they were
probably from part of a religious
After that, the monument didn’t change
until 1000 years later.


It started around 2150 BC. About 82
bluestones from the Preseli mountains in
south-west Wales were brought to the site.
This journey was nearly 240 miles.
Once there, the stones were set up in the
centre to make an incomplete double


It started in 2000 BC. The Sarsen stones
that they used were probably brought from
the Marlborough Downs area near
Avebury, about 25 miles north of
These were placed in an outer circle.
Inside the circle, there were also five
trilithons, that still remain today.


After 1500 BC the bluestones were moved
into the horseshoe and circle that we see
Most of the bluestones have been
removed or broken.

Possible theories about Stonehenge

Stonehenge was an astronomical
They could predict eclipses, lunar phases and
seasons. Nevertheless, it was possible that it
was not the original function because it took
more than 1000 years to finish it.
Stonehenge was a cemetery
Scientists found human bones buried there.

Diapositiva 9

Stonehenge was a religious temple
People went there because the Druids
could give them magic power and cure
their illnesses.

Incredible theories

Stonehenge was
built by Apollo’s
followers who
lived in the north
of Europe and
documented in
Greek mythology.
was a place
where UFOs

Diapositiva 11

Stonehenge was
created in the first
years of the XX
century to attract
Stonehenge was
built by the wizard
Merlin. He made it
himself by raising
the stones with his
magical power.


Bluestone -piedras del Stonehenge
traídas de fuera
Bronze age -edad de bronce
(to) cremate -incinerar, cremar
Druid -Druida
Horseshoe -herradura
Neolithic -neolítico
Sarsen stone -piedra arenisca
Standing stone -megalito vertical
Trilithon -estructura de dos piedras
verticales (columnas) y una horizontal
apoyada en la verticales.
UFO -OVNI (objeto volador no identificado)
Wizard Merlin -El mago Merlín

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Текстовое содержимое слайдов презентации:
Stonehenge. Презентация к уроку 1 «On Salisbury Plain.» Unit 12. к учебнику К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман «Happy English.ru» для 6-го класса.Выполнила Модина Любовь Васильевна, учитель английского языка БОУ г.Омска «СОШ №124» 2013 год
learn the new words:cemetery-кладбищеderive-получатьdesignate-обозначатьсapability-возможностьawe-inspiring-впечатляющийсentury-век, столетие
ppt_yppt_yppt_y Stonehenge, prehistoric stone circle monument, cemetery, and archaeological site located on Salisbury Plain, about 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. It was built in six stages between 3000 and 1520 BC.
As a prehistoric stone circle, it is unique because of its artificially shaped sarsen stones. The name of the monument probably derives from the Saxon stan-hengen, meaning “stone hanging” or “gallows”.
Stonehenge was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1986. English antiquarian John Aubrey in the 17th century and his compatriot archaeologist William Stukeley in the 18th century both believed the structure to be a Druid temple.
In 1963 American astronomer Gerald Hawkins proposed that Stonehenge had been constructed as a “computer” to predict lunar and solar eclipses; other scientists also attributed astronomical capabilities to the monument.
In 2008 British archaeologists Tim Darvill and Geoffrey Wainwright suggested that Stonehenge was used in prehistory as a place of healing. However, analysis of human remains from around and within the monument shows no difference from other parts of Britain in terms of the population’s health.
The Stonehenge that is visible today is incomplete, many of its original sarsens and bluestones having been broken up and taken away, probably during Britain’s Roman and medieval periods.
Stonehenge was built within an area that was already special to Mesolithic and Neolithic people. About 8000–7000 BC, early Mesolithic hunter-gatherers dug pits and erected pine posts within 650 feet (200 metres) of Stonehenge’s future location.
Stonehenge is the world’s most famous stone circle, visited by more than a million people per year. It stands as an icon for all that is mysterious and awe-inspiring about humanity’s prehistoric past.
For well over a century, people have gathered at the monument to celebrate the summer solstice. Modern-day Druidic societies have claimed Stonehenge as their own temple, even though the identification of Stonehenge with the original Druids is suspect.
Say: True or False.Stonehenge is located on Salisbury Plain, about 8 miles north of Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. It was built between 4000-1560 BC.The name of the monument probably derives from the English stan-hengen, meaning “stone hanging” . Some scientists believed the structure to be a Druid temple. Stonehenge is the world’s most famous stone circle, visited by more than a billion people per year.
style.rotation Answer the questions.1. What is Stonehenge?2. What did American astronomer Gerald Hawkins propose?3. What did British archaeologists Tim Darvill and Geoffrey Wainwright suggest in 2008?4.What does the analysis show?5. Why have people gathered at the monument for well over a century?6. How many people visit Stonehenge every year?
Используемые ресурсы:Encyclopedia Britannica:http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/567331/StonehengeКартинки:http://img15.nnm.ru/5/c/b/2/6/9f77aa88263d9434a009e069e94_prev.jpghttp://zev.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/druids_stonehenge.jpghttp://www.knowth.eu/wallpaper/stonehenge-equinox-800.jpg

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Conclusion It’s difficult to judge which of the theories is correct, but from what I have read I can do the conclusion that Stonehenge is the most mysterious symbol of Britain, which went through the whole history with this country and gives it special charm of mystery and unexploredness .